Good plans shape good decisions. That is why planning helps to make elusive dreams come true.
Lester R. Bittel
In today’s dynamic business environment, developing and implementing a long-term organizational strategy can be difficult, but it is essential in order to drive growth. It takes significant planning and foresight to link vision to strategy, and requires organizations to gather relevant information, establish benchmarks, and complete thorough analyses.
4CMC offers clients a full range of services to help drive success and navigate transitional periods. We review and guide clients’ strategic decision-making processes, helping them operationalize their strategies and ensure they have the right resources to implement their initiatives. Throughout every stage, we help strengthen the success of their efforts by offering guidance on best practices.
With hands-on experience across a wide range of industries, 4CMC’s Economic Development team tailors their advice and services, delivering relevant, actionable insights for even the most complex issues, resulting in revenue and employment gains for clients.
We offer services in the following areas:
Business Development (Business Plans/Feasibility Studies, Business Assessments, Corporation Development, Strategic Planning, Operational Planning)
Sector Specific Planning
Negotiations, Joint Ventures and Impact Benefit Agreements
Value-Added Food Processing
Highest and Best Use Studies
Land and Business Assessments/Acquisitions
Pre-Employment and Employment Training
Skills Database Development
Clean Energy

Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost self-esteem. If people believe in themselves, it is amazing what they can accomplish.
Sam Walton
4CMC is committed to our clients. At 4CMC, we understand the importance of "people" in any organization and business. Successful leaders acknowledge people as a valuable resource with an understanding that "good people management" improves performance, productivity and profitability. We can provide that support.
Our 4CMC team provides the following Organizational and Community Development services:
Comprehensive Community Planning and Development
Health Planning
Organizational/Department Assessments
Holistic Culturally Relevant Education
Facilitation and Stakeholder Engagement
Conflict Resolution/Communication Training
Community Profiles
Housing Policy
Organizational and Corporate Development Policy (Financial Management, Human Resources, Information Technology, Communications and Governance)
Land Use Policy

Nothing gets transformed in your life until your mind is transformed.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
Capacity building is the process by which individuals and organizations obtain and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment and other resources needed to do their jobs with a greater capacity. Most simply, capacity building improves an organization's or businesses’ performance and enhances its ability to function. 4CMC supports human and institutional capacity to advance client effectiveness. 4CMC initiates an assessment of the capacity building needs of the business, organization or community. In collaboration with the client, 4CMC helps to create a capacity development plan.
4CMC offers the following capacity building services:
Human Resource Development (Policy and Management)
Financial Management Reviews
Operational Reviews (Organizational and Business)
Negotiation Training
Group Management Workshops (Facilitation, Change Management, Community Engagement, Conflict Resolution, Communication, Team Building, Minute Taking)
Administrative Training
Social Media and Communication Strategy
Information Management
Records Management
Graphic Facilitation and Recording
Proposal and Grant Writing
Interview Skills
Marketing and Sales Skills
Customer Service Skills
Housing Plans and Implementation
Governance Training and Coaching
Performance Management
Executive and Management Coaching

“We do not own Mother Earth to give it away; we must respect it. We are part of it, it is part of us.
Economic development is often closely tied with land development. It can be for purposes of developing new businesses such as recreational services, light industrial sites or new housing developments. 4CMC helps clients develop land use policies and strategic plans for their lands. We also support communities with their negotiations with the government and industry around land use and title and rights.
4CMC is committed to land development projects that are environmentally sustainable and culturally appropriate. Developing a land use plan is often complicated because of competing demands and values connected to the land. With this in mind, 4CMC is committed to land development projects that balance cultural, environmental and economic needs of the community.
Our 4CMC team provides the following Land Use and Development services:
Land Use Planning
Negotiation Strategy for Government to Government
Strategic Planning
Land Assessments
Highest and Best Use Studies
Advisory Services

GO Global: Empowering Indigenous Peoples' globally by working with government, development agencies and communities.
4CMC has launched a new GO Global program to work internationally with indigenous communities using an empowerment approach to build thriving communities. Building from our team’s experience working alongside indigenous communities in Canada, we are expanding our services to the “Fours Corners” of the globe. 4CMC strikes the balance between social and economic development and cultural sensitivity to the local traditions, skills and resources of Indigenous communities. It is this balance that sets 4CMC apart from other management consulting firms.
The 4CMC team of consultants has extensive international work experience. Our consultants have worked at the government, community and development agency level in North America, Western and Southern Africa, Southeast Asia, China, Australia and Central America. Our international work experience has helped 4CMC to launch its GO Global program.
Our focus is with government, community and development agencies who work with indigenous communities. We offer the following GO
Global services to our clients:
Bridging the gap between government and Indigenous communities.
Indigenous Community Protection and Development Plans
Capacity Building for government officials who work with Indigenous communities
Technical Assistance (project design, monitoring, public consultation and evaluation)
Policy Development (financial management, human resources, governance, information technology, communications and contract management)
Structures for dialogue and communication between development agencies and indigenous communities.
Social Impact Assessment
Project Design and Implementation
Conflict Management
Monitoring and Evaluation
Empowering Indigenous peoples’ to build thriving communities.
Community Development Policies (Empowerment approach)
Livelihood Enhancement
Administrative Skills
Community Social and Economic Development